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South Florida Directors and Officers Coverage

Commercial Insurance Solutions

Unanticipated lawsuits filed against a CEO or company officer can be devastating to the individual as well as the company which they represent. Many a successful company has paid the price for not being prepared to protect the individuals who are responsible for their successes. Although the company may have many insurances in place they may not have the one that protects the person or persons at the helm.

In the event that a claim is filed by stockholders, employees or clients against directors or officers of a company, Directors and Officers Liability Insurance (DO) will protect the executive so that he or she is not held personally responsible, nor their personal assets attached , for actions taken on behalf of the company.

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance is necessary to any business which engages upper level management in Miami and South Florida. In today’s litigious world it is necessary to provide financial protection to those that make the most important decisions at the corporate level, and Directors and Officers Coverage offers that protection in Miami.

Additionally, having D&O Liability Insurance for your Miami or South Florida corporation is an extremely attractive benefit in bringing the best and brightest executives from all over the country to your firm. Many prospective corporate officers will make requests that Directors and Officers coverage be in place as part of their benefits package before accepting a position.

Offering Directors and Officers coverage sends the message to upper level management that they are supported in all their decisions on behalf of the firm by the corporation . In this way chief executives can be confident in their day to day administration , protected by this shield of D&O Liability Insurance.

AIB has been successfully insuring the best Miami and South Florida corporations with this and other specialized commercial insurance for 2 decades.

AIB is uniquely qualified to build a comprehensive insurance package that includes this important D&O Liability Insurance coverage. We can show how Directors and Officers Coverage may enhance those policies you may currently have in place, such as Error and Omission ( E & O ) coverage, which would cover product liability and not actual performance or actions by your CEO or upper level management, leaving them exposed to possible personal litigation. Having the right insurances in place to protect the business and financial interests of a company is part of any effective business plan. We can help you to discover your needs in your particular business environment and help you to achieve maximum success in your industry. We can show you how Directors and Officers Liability and other insurances protect and serve your company as it grows in today’s competitive marketplace.

AIB can partner with you in making sure that Directors and Officers Liability Insurance will be there to keep your company growing and moving into the future.

Seguro de Responsabilidade de Gestores e Altos Funcionários

Soluções para Seguros Empresariais

O Seguro DO fornece cobertura financeira aos diretores e altos funcionários de sua empresa em um eventual litígio contra eles em relação ao desempenho de suas funções dentro da companhia.

Este seguro é da maior importância, pois, no caso de queixas por parte de acionistas, funcionários ou clientes, elas são feitas contra a companhia e sua diretoria. Uma vez que um diretor pode ser responsabilizado pessoalmente pelos atos da empresa, muitos funcionários de alto escalão exigirão proteção, e não vão querer colocar seus bens particulares em jogo.

A AIB compreende as nuances do Seguro DO e trabalhará juntamente com sua empresa esclarecendo como ele difere do Seguro de Responsabilidades contra Erros e Omissões, por exemplo, o qual é concernente a falhas e negligências relacionadas a produtos e serviços, não ao desempenho e obrigações da administração.

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